–          The sponsor and founder of the race known as; “ GOD IS ABLE RACE OF CHAMPIONS MOUNT OKU”, under the high patronage of the National Federation of Athletics for Cameroon since 2016.

–          Amongst other activities we are the only structure in Cameroon that host the most prestigious gospel music events; GIA GOSPEL AWARD ( THE NIGHT OF TALENT) under the high patronage of the Ministry Of Arts And Culture where of its aim or purpose in the Promotion of the gospel music and the follow up of the artists in their successes and failures.

–          We assist third age people all over the ten regions of Cameroon ( feeding, Clothing, Medical, Finance and moral).

–          We take care of the education of orphans from Nursery to the Higher education

–          We take care of all the needs ( moral, financial, material and lodging of the vulnerable and the needy) all over the world.

–          Official sponsor of the Veteran Athletes in the Cameroon Race of Hope since 2016